I have had a lot on my mind lately. I had no idea when I decided to start blogging that I would become so invested in the process. But I'm glad I have. It is cathartic in a way to get my thoughts out there in writing; it's a form of journaling for me. And at the same time, it has been fun to receive feedback from friends, family and even those I have never met face-to-face who have reaped the benefit of putting into action something I suggested in a post.
But as I go, go, go with brainstorming, outlining, researching and writing, it's like my mind has become just a tad too full and has been unable to retain all of the information I need to retain in order to keep up with day-to-day life. Perfect example: The ring saga earlier this week.
I was reflecting on this and heard an inaudible message that was so clear it made me stop in my tracks: "Slow down and listen." Have you ever felt like God spoke to you in such a way that you just knew the only response was to act (or in my case, to act by not acting)? It was one of those moments. So I cancelled all blogging plans for the evening (thankfully I had already written my post for that day) and took a bubble bath. The first one I have taken in so long! I also journaled and sat quietly before God. I was filled with so much peace that I wanted to kick myself for not doing that more often! (Although kicking myself might have have contradicted the whole "slow down" part).
Does anyone else have trouble slowing down? Or listening? Or both?
Try it this weekend! Have a great one!
:) yay!