Monday, January 31, 2011


On Saturday I ran for the first time in a long time. I used to run consistently starting in high school all the way through my mid-twenties but when I started graduate school my life got a little hectic. My husband and I got married, I was working full-time (while taking a full class load) and trying to adjust to school again since it had been a few years since I finished my undergrad studies. Needless to say, life had gone from routine to totally new and different (as well as insanely busy) in a short amount of time and working out fell by the wayside. (It’s unfortunate because I’m sure working out more would have been extremely helpful in terms of managing the stress of graduate school).

 Anyway, it was so refreshing being outdoors again this weekend and I was reminded of how confident, healthy and energized I used to feel when I was a regular runner. While I let go of it because I was "too busy" and "too overwhelmed," looking back I feel like the benefits would have far outweighed those concerns. The energy I would have gained from running would have carried over into increased energy for studying and other activities. The extra confidence I would have had from looking and feeling my absolute best would have carried over into all other areas of my life.

We get so wrapped up in our busy lives that we think we don’t have time to do things that we view as simply “just for fun” anymore. Or we feel selfish doing something for our own sake, because so many other people depend on us. But the truth is, these hobbies and self-care techniques are about more than fun! They are about rejuvenation and restoration! It's like how on an airplane we are supposed to put our own life jacket on in the case of an emergency before we help someone else. It's not because we are more important, it's because it won't be feasible to help anyone else if we are hurt too. Same idea here. Take care of yourself so that you can be effective and joyful in all areas of your life! 

Are there any habits you’ve let go of for one reason or another that you’d like to get back into? Whether exercise or some other relaxing/refreshing hobby? Think about reincorporating an old habit back into your life that in recent months or years has seemed less important (a HEALTHY one of course)!

Stay tuned for a new series starting tomorrow! I look forward to "21 days of..."  - come back tomorrow and find out!


  1. Great post and love your life jacket analogy! Perfect! When the weather was warmer I was running about 3 miles 3 times a week so i have to say I really miss it! Thanks for inspiring me to get back at it!

  2. I just had a similar experience. I love to dance but for many years didn't have any outlet for it. I found a really fun class at my gym and three times last week found myself so energized after the class. When things get busy I forget that finding an outlet for what gives my body energy makes a difference mentally. I know I probably won't keep up a 3x/week schedule but I do want to hold on to the reality that it matters for me to engage in this and that it is really worthwhile. Reading this blog made me stop and really take that in. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for your thoughtful comments Joyce and Kaitlyn! Your enthusiasm encourages me too!

  4. ACK! I hate running... at least when I'm pregnant. I used to run/exercise a lot so I guess that's the habit that I'm most likely to "let go of". When I'm not pregnant, I love going to the gym and getting refreshed, etc. but when I'm pregnant, it feels like such a chore!!

  5. Yeah that's rough! Is there something else you can do to unwind? I'm sure as a pregnant mamma you need it!
